Exercise Stablililty Balls (also known as a Swiss ball,)

With a gymball you exercise stability and enhance your balance-strength and coordination training. Special back and stomach are trained efficiently, but you can also use your gymball to make the arm bends extra hard!

Far too many people associate stability balls with boring crunches, goofy stretches and childlike bouncing, but this versatile piece of exercise equipment provides some of the best ways to test your balance and work up your core strength. By performing some of your go-to moves (and some you avoid like the plague) on an unstable surface, you’re able to give the bigger muscle groups an added challenge and effectively activate the smaller ones that play a key role in, well, stability.

Check out the stability ball exercises you’re probably not doing. Many of the moves may look easy, but don’t be fooled — you’ll be working that body. And don’t forget to tell us your favorite move in the comments.

Wall Squat

Single Leg Wall Squat 

Balancing Reverse Lunge

Balancing Pushup



Ball Pass

Balancing Oblique Crunch

Glute Bridge to Hamstring Curl

Lower Back Extension

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