The point is: TRAIN CROSSFIT YES, COMPETE YES but evolve slowly and always constant, listening to your body and understanding that to be champion in the modality it takes much more. Coaching with friends, improving health, becoming a better person every day, already makes you a champion in life and that is more than enough for amateur “athletes.”
The competitive world within CrossFit has drawn many day-to-day “athletes” into the competition arenas, but is everyone able to compete?
Being an ATHLETE is overcoming your opponent and overcoming yourself all the time. To be an ATHLETE is to want to reach the top, to be inspired by the best and to have a single goal: to be the best. Being an ATHLETE is to make choices and give up on fun weekends, stop drinking, follow the diet strictly, do not lose nights of sleep thinking about having the best performance in training, is to train 2 to 3 times a day, go over Of the pains of tiredness. To be an athlete is to be governed, to look for professionals who take care of their performance, to take care of the body with physiotherapists, to live for sport to BE THE BEST. Being an athlete is not only being competitive, any competitor can be, but being an athlete means living for that.
People like Usain Bolt, Michael Phelps, Rich Froning and others, are examples of ATHLETES who live in the sport and struggle every day to be among the best, and that is not easy. To stay on top always, it takes a lot of dedication and willpower.
Yes I know, many are thinking:
“Ah! This is impossible, I can not follow such a life, I have no money and no time! So you mean I can not compete?”
Calm down, that’s the point. Let’s look.
The opportunity to compete in something we have never done before or even compete for the first time in life is an experience that all people should have. To compete is to feel adrenaline, to discover unknown talents and abilities, to feel confidence and fear at the same time. Knowing how to transfer this experience to everyday life can be very valuable and profitable even in our professions BUT DO NOT WANT TO SAY WE ARE ATHLETES.
We are amateurs and we must have this awareness. And being amateur is not bad, we just need to understand how far we can go. I see many CrossFit boxes with competition teams, competing in all events all the time and not worrying about the necessary rest for the body, do not expect the natural time of evolution and maturation in the sport, always training at intensities not recommended, mainly To an amateur “athlete”.
We all want to improve and be among the best, but it is necessary to have maturity and patience, to understand that the work is long term and not overnight. Amateurs, especially, should be careful not to overload the body and risk being injured, precisely because they do not live on CrossFit.

woman doing crossfit snatch
Keep competing, having fun, getting over and above all taking care of health and body, understanding that CrossFit should not be seen only as a modality in which there should be competition. CrossFit is much more than just competing: it’s making friends, creating a new lifestyle and discovering yourself.