If you want to lose fat (and not muscle) fast without doing hours of cardio every week, then you want to know more about high-intensity interval training.

What Is High-Intensity Interval Training (and What Isn’t)?
High-intensity interval training (HIIT), also called high-intensity intermittent exercise (HIIE) or sprint interval training (SIT), is a form of interval training, an exercise strategy alternating short periods of intense anaerobic exercise with less-intense recovery periods. HIIT is a form of cardiovascular exercise
The high-intensity intervals push your body toward its metabolic limits (basically as hard as you can go) and the low-intensity intervals allow it to recover (catching your breath).

Here are 10 effective HIIT workouts for you to try.
1. Walk and Sprint
This one is as simple as the name implies. Usually most people do best with a 30 second walk, followed by a 30 second sprint. Repeat this about 8-10 times, and you should be feeling the burn.

2. Jog and Sprint
As you progress your fitness, you may be able to pull off this workout. This is just like our first workout, but here you will jog, instead of walk

3. Infinite Pushups
This one is about as fun as it sounds. You will be performing 10 pushups at a time. Rest for 30 seconds, and then do 10 more. To increase the difficulty, rest for 15 seconds instead of 30. If you’re feeling really frisky, you can cut the rest time down to 10 seconds, though I wouldn’t recommend it, unless you really know what you’re doing.

4. Infinite Squats
Make sure you are able to squat first, and then check your form, either with a partner or in a mirror. Make sure you are going ‘below parallel’ (you can Google that term) and that your mechanics are exactly correct

5. Push and Squat
Combining our fourth and fifth exercises, we get the ‘push and squat’ routine. 10 pushups, followed by 10 air squats. Rest 30 seconds, and then repeat again. For extra difficulty, perform one pushup, followed by one squat, until you get to 10 of each

6. Sit Up and Jump
This one will be familiar to athletes. You will perform 10 sit ups, stand up, and perform 10 vertical leaps. Try and reach as high as you can each time, as well as to go all the way down, each time you prepare your jump.

7. Infinite Burpees

8. Prison Workout
We will be doing 5 pull ups, 10 prisoner squats and 15 pushups. Rest for 1 minute, and do it again. You will need a pull up bar for this one, but otherwise it’s all just bodyweight exercises.

9. Seal Jumps
You’ll be performing 50 jumps, resting for 1 minute, and then continuing. To these as fast as possible, while still maintaining good form

10. Sprint, Push and Squat
You’ll start by performing a 15 second sprint. From there, drop down and do 10 pushups, followed by 10 squats. Rest for 30 seconds to 1 minute, and then repeat

Other HIIT Benefits
There are a number of great benefits to High Intensity Interval Training besides serious fat burn that include:
Increased Aerobic Capacity
Increased Lactate Threshold
Improved Insulin Sensitivity
Anabolic Effect

—-Article selection from Muscleforlife, Edit By Sarah